Sunday, March 9, 2025
Adam and Eve's joy in repentance
Gen 3:16-19
Moses 5:6-12
The connection between joy and repentance really clicked in my mind while in the temple. Adam and Eve are completely devastated as they really comprehend the magnitude of the consequences of eating the fruit. They couldn't really understand beforehand. The knowledge the fruit brings, the explanation from God, and being escorted from the garden all come together to help them understand true sorrow.
Then, they are given the knowledge and opportunity for joy. The plan of salvation, Jesus Christ's atonement, and repentance are explained. Repentance brings them great joy!
We are separated from God in the same way when we sin. It's harder to recognize because we aren't looking at the garden gate. Maybe if we were able to see the consequences so plainly repentance would be a joy for us too. Just as Adam and Eve slowly gained understanding, we do too. As we strive to comprehend and recognize the literal separation from God and the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual consequences of our actions, maybe repentance can be such a joy for us as well.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
did ya pray about it?
James 1:5
Joseph Smith—History 1:11-13
Pondering and lost? Have you prayed about it?
2 Nephi 32:4
Why do we do this to ourselves? No need to pick a spot in the forest. Just pray.
Doctrine & Covenants 12:5
Personal invite from the Lord . . . But we're silly, imperfect, overthinking, distracted, over complicating beings.
That's why God gave us ancient and modern prophets to remind us as well as friends and family. So, "Did you think to pray?". Yeah, I forgot too. Here’s a reminder for both of us.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
peace vs happy
To follow evil influences can never result in a feeling of peace simply because peace is a gift from God and it only comes through the Spirit of God. “Wickedness never was happiness” (Alma 41:10). In our day-to-day actions, it is often the small and simple things that will have a long-lasting impact (see Alma 37:6–7). What we say, how we act, and how we choose to react will influence not only ourselves but also those around us. We can build up, or we can tear down.
Rest unto Your Souls
By Elder Per G. Malm
October 2010
Alma 41:10 has often reminded me that there is a distinct difference between carnal pleasures or enjoyments and true happiness or joy. Elder Malm's distinction of peace is an excellent indicator. There can be peace in the midst of life's atrocities. I've learned that it may take a strong will and devotion to discipleship. Nevertheless, in the midst of even ongoing trials, we can find peace.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
if / then
Ether 4:15
I love "if/then" statements. It clearly outlines directions and results. Ether 4 has a lot of "if/then" or "when/then" statements.
I chose verse 15 because it first says to rend the veil of unbelief and states what the unbelief is causing. That's nice but how? Then it tells you how, "call upon the Father in my name, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit". Sometimes, answers are obvious and easy. Sometimes, they aren't. It could be the difference of a day that clouds our sight and understanding.
Life's rough and there's all kinds of storms. Having those obvious instructions help keep us going the right direction.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
sealing power
One of the things i enjoy doing is cross referencing principles and doctrine between the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine & Covenants / Pearl of Great Price. It's not an attempt to prove anything to anyone. It has really helped me better understand God’s relationships with diverse people, compare doctrine in various cultures, compare and connect people living principles (or not living them) and the outcome, and appreciate the consistency of God’s dealing with His children.
Here's today's connections. It's not all of the references. Feel free to add some.
Sealing power
Matthew 16:19
Helaman 10:7
Doctrine & Covenants 1:8
Monday, December 2, 2024
privileges and boundaries
3 Nephi 18:22-25
3 Nephi 18:28-29
3 Nephi 18:30-32
I know. It's basically verses 22-32 *but* I split them up into groups.
First, don't deny anyone attending church.
Follow Christ's example.
Second, don't allow those who are unworthy to partake of the sacrament.
Those seem opposed to each other *except*
Follow Christ's example.
He chased money lenders from the temple. Matt 21:12-13. Following Jesus Christ means setting and keeping boundaries. Even those kept from partaking of the sacrament are still welcome to attend church.
The bishop has the responsibility of making this call at church. We're responsible for our own lives. Boundaries are necessary and even kind.
Someone unwilling to strive to keep the commandments is only damaging themselves by continually making a covenant with the Lord. The Lord Himself sets the standards. Removing a unearned or abused privileges is not unkind.
The same is true for our personal lives. Setting boundaries and keeping them sets your standards. It protects you and clearly defines privileged interactions or space in your life. Removing privileges is not unkind.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
shame is pride
Ether 12:27 is my favorite scripture. I received another bit of understanding today during "Come Follow Me".
Humility is more acknowleding your weakness. It's taking responsibility for it.
Pride is the opposite of humility but I never realized that shame is part of pride.
Humility goes to the Lord, acknowledges the weakness and takes on the responsibility of working with the Lord to find and enact solutions.
Pride might deny weakness or completely give up on change. "I'm a terrible person" is the cry of giving up or using weakness as an excuse. Shaming yourself is just as prideful as denial. Both ignore the Lord’s out stretched Hand and instead insist on knowing more than our Creator.
It reminds me of the difference between Godly sorrow and mortal sorrow. (2 Corinthians 7:9-11) It's all in where it leads. One leads to the Lord and the other leads anywhere else.
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