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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

every member a missionary

How Great Will Be Your Joy  
By Elder Ronald A. Rasband

The gathering of Israel is “the most important thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty.” - Russell M Nelson

Doc & cov 18:10
3 Nephi 10:18
Doc & cov 78:18
(a lot of 18's. weird)

It follows that to gather Israel we need missionaries—many more than are serving.

Elder Rasband is addressing senior couples in his talk but it seems to me that it applies to everyone. 

Every member a missionary 
- David O. McKay, April 1959. Christ said it first:
Mark 16:15-1
Doc & Cov 58:64

It's easy to say but harder to put into practice. Here are some suggestions: 

Rate your church building on Google. People look for a church by rating so your rating helps.

Write your testimony in a book of Mormon or type it up and print it BOM size to be glued into one. Give it to the missionaries.

Add a link to the church website, a youtube conference talk or hymn, etc as your email signature.

Include your beliefs in your daily interactions. You don’t have to share the whole gospel, just one thing that applies to a conversation. Those seeds of belief build up over time.  

Resolve to share what you believe without expectation. It's not your job to convert people. That is the work of the Holy Ghost. Your job is provide opportunities for the Spirit to testify.  

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