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Sunday, January 21, 2024

coincidence? I think not!

I learned something very interesting in class today. Joseph Smith senior had a dream of the tree of life that was very similar to Lehi’s dream. His wife recorded it more than 15 years after the book of Mormon was translated. Detractors say this is proof that Joseph Smith wrote the book from his and his family's life experiences. Whatever you may think of that, gospel truths cannot be proven by tangible methods. Only the Holy Ghost can help you know the truth.

When the teacher told us about these extraordinarily similar dreams, it reminded me of the video about wilford woodruff finding the church. A family friend, robert mason, had a vision where he was in a grove of fruit trees. There was no fruit on any tree. All of the trees begin to fall, leaving an empty orchard, not unlike the vast empty space lehi saw. One tree is there with a similar description to the tree of life. He picks the fruit but wakes up before tasting it.  

I'll just give you the link to watch the video instead of telling his interpretation of it.

We discussed how these similarities are not coincidence. They testify of each other. I'm going to start cross referencing visions and parables. I'll start by linking back to adam and eve. They had a tree of life and were cast out into a "dreary waste".  

It was also brought to my attention that the angel never explained anything to nephi. Instead, nephi was shown people and events. He then knows what it means. That a good way to teach actually. It gives a person responsibility and a deeper understanding.  

Here's the similarities between Lehi’s dream and Joseph Smith Senior's dream, stolen . . . I mean quoted from the fair mormon site linked below.

*A desolate field representing the world (8:4).
*A narrow path (8:20).
*A river of water (8:13).
*A rope running along the bank of the river (similar in function to the rod of iron in 8:19, 24).
*A tree with dazzling white fruit (8:10–11).
*Joseph, Sr. desires that his family should partake of the fruit also (8:12).
*A spacious building filled with people who are mocking those who eat the fruit (8:26–27).
*Joseph, Sr. and his family ignore the mocking (8:33).
*The fruit represents the love of God (11:22).
*The building represents the world (11:36; 12:18).

Coincidence?  I think not!'s_dream_of_the_tree_of_life_into_the_Book_of_Mormon%3F#cite_note-1

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