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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

swords and plow-shares

2 Nephi 12:4
Micah 4:3
Isaiah 2:4

They shall beat their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks.

This change is interesting. A *tool* is *changed* from *destructive* to *productive*. Weapons used for combat and war are made into farming equipment that produces food. The change is from killing people to feeding people. 

Alma 24:12-17
Alma 53:19

The anti-nephi-lehis / people of ammon made this same change. They went from destructive to productive when they buried their swords. Eventually, they produced food for the armies and took in any lamanite soldiers that wanted to make the same change.

I strive to be a *tool* in the hand of the Lord. To do that, my heart and will need to be *changed*. My will may not be the best for me. Sometimes, anger, doubt, depression, all the negative things get to me. All of thise things are *destructive*. If I turn to the Lord, He can soften my heart and direct my energy. If I do that, my efforts become *productive*. Instead of spiritually killing people or myself with negative thoughts, words, and actions, I can spiritually feed myself and others.  

Swords are still important for defense. The time for plow-shares and pruning hooks is much more often.  

Alma 31:5

Spiritual feeding is more powerful than combat.  

I know that I've been blessed as I recognize the urge to wage war as a hunger that needs fed. Most swords really serve better as plow-shares. 

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