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Wednesday, March 6, 2024


3 Nephi 11:28-29
Moses 7:26, 28, 33

When we contend with each other in anger, Satan laughs and the God of heaven weeps.
The Peace of Christ Abolishes Enmity  
By Elder Dale G. Renlund

Anger is such a hard thing. It gives control over to someone or something else. It's irrational and even dangerous. 

Ancient greek philosophy is that the initial emotion is unavoidable. I remind myself that emotions are chemical reactions. They are real in the sense that the chemicals are real but the important thing is what I think. That's the part I control. At least I try to. Take a breath and act instead of reacting.

Seneca said, "when the sea is stormy, you see nothing clearly."

Here's the 10 points of "stoic anger management" or greek philosophy with a gospel twist.

1. Remember that we are all children of God and are meant to help and love each other. Seeing a person with God's love lens.
2. Consider the person as a whole. Put one annoying trait in context with the rest of their character. 
3. No one is naturally evil. People do things we don't agree with because they think differently. 
4. We're all flawed. We tend to hate the traits in others most that we hate in ourselves.
5. Try to understand their perspective, background, or motives. If you understand why a person does something, it's harder to be angry.
6. Think eternally. Will this matter in 50 years? 
7. Am I angry because it's universally wrong or just because I don't like it / agree?  
8. Anger hurts you more than the thing you're angry about.
9. Kindness is the antidote to anger.
10. Let people make their choices. Don’t expect people to think the way you do.

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