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Saturday, March 9, 2024


I made a connection the other day. It's not profpund but it's at least interesting.

Cockatrice - some type of venomous snake.

These chapters refer to a cockatrice being a bane, harmful, or a danger to the people. Kind of like the "fiery serpents" which are also some type of venomous snake. Venomous snakes running around loose. You need to watch for them, take steps to avoid them, and prepare an antidote in case you're bitten  

Isaiah 59:5
Jeremiah 8:17
Isaiah 14:29 - 2 Nephi 24:29

I always thought this verse referred to peace eith the animals. The venomous snakes will be friendly. 

Isaiah 11:8 - 2 Nephi 21:8

This is Isaiah though. Nothing has just one meaning with him. Here's my ah-ha moment. Yes, he's referring to the millennium when there will be peace with all, invluding the animal kingdom. Here's the other side, he doesn't say the child will play with the snake. He says they will put their hand on the hole of the asp and the den of the cockatrice. *The snakes are gone.*

For now, be watchful and prepare for the day that sin no longer is a temptation. 

Head smacking "duh". Who do snakes represent biblically? Satan. Ohhhh! It represents the absence of temptation. Satan will be bound. The danger is gone. Sin is not enticing. All of the caution we have to take to avoid the "snakes" in the top verses is gone.  

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