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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

that you may know

*sent to my kids for their daily scripture dose*

I was thinking of an incident that happened back when I was driving a school bus today. I recorded it in my journal and will give you the shortened version here.

As I approached an intersection out in the middle of farm country, I felt the Spirit tell me to slow and then stop at least a bus length before the stop sign. There wasn't any traffic except a dump truck hauling sugar beets. I realized it was going much faster than the speed limit.  

He got to the intersection and surprisingly turned. He never slowed down and took the turn at high speed.  

The truck veered completely across my lane in order to make the turn. The driver had a terrified look on his face as he swerved the truck into his own lane a breath away from the nose of my parked bus. Any impact would have been disastrous. Had I been at the stop sign instead of 30 plus feet away, it would have been deadly.

Throughout the whole thing, I was surrounded by a peaceful calm.

 I tell you so that you may know that "the Lord is able to deliver (you), even as (your mother)." 
1 Nephi 4:3, Alma 36:2.

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