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Friday, July 26, 2024

it all evens out

Alma 35:9 contains so much.  It's service and ministering, of course.  

It's also the difference between nice and kind.  Nice being just giving according to their desire instead of their need. (Wants in this verse would be better understood today as needs.)   They weren't made rich. They weren't given a daily stipend forever.  They were given what they needed in order to support themselves. 

It's also a great statement on equality.  Equality isn't everyone getting the same thing. You don't give the musician a shovel and wonder why he can't make a living. They received according to their talents/profession, family size, current possessions, etc.  

It had to require a lot of planning and personal consultation.  I imagine the relief society presidents, bishops, stake presidents, etc all doing their jobs.  Families must have made room for the refugees at first and been assigned as ministers.  Coordinators figured out who needed what and started matching people to resources.  

All of this went on until the Lamanites began their attack.   Then, the Ammonites became the refugees and left their land in the care of armies.  Some of those soldiers were the poor Zoramites who had been taken in.  Imagine their fierce defense of not only their homes and lands but the homes and lands of the community that sheltered them in their time of need.

"It all evens out."  My grandmother, mother, and I would always say that when one of us served the other.  We saw how one had when the other needed.  Later, the other would have when the one needed.  It all evened out.  That has become one of my life mottos.  Serve when you can.  Accept help graciously when it comes.  In the end, it all evens out.

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