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Thursday, August 29, 2024

the fall back plan

My counsel to you is don’t despair! All is well. For with God, nothing is impossible.
With this prophesied commotion and disbelief in the world, the Lord promised that there would be a covenant people, a people eagerly awaiting His return, a people who stand in holy settings and are not moved out of their place. He spoke of a righteous people resisting the deceptions of the adversary, disciplining their faith, thinking celestial, and trusting completely in the Savior Jesus Christ.
- Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth  
By Elder Neil L. Andersen

On days that trusting and waiting are the hardest, I fall back to keeping covenants and standing in holy places.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Opposites don’t exist apart from each other.... 
These opposites are all like the two sides of one same coin. Both sides are always present....  
Let us constantly make a very conscious effort to see both sides of every coin allotted to us in our lives....
We can rest assured that our difficulties, sorrows, afflictions, and pains do not define us; rather, it is how we go about them that will help us grow and draw closer to God. It is our attitudes and choices that define us much better than our challenges.
Opposition in All Things  
By Elder Mathias Held
April 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

serving in need

Alma 53:19

I've always loved the Ammonites. They swear off killing but then other people have to protect them. They have to let others serve them.

It's understandable that they feel bad about making other people risk their lives.  

Even in their position of not being able to take care of themselves, they are able to contribute. Even before their sons join up, they are raising crops and animals for food.  

Everyone has something to give. Even in their need, they can contribute. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

stop drop and listen

Alma 61:9

Denton has coined the phrase, "Stop. Drop. And listen". He was using it as just listening to people. Today, I was inspired with more meaning.  

Stop - the emotional reaction. Offense, anger, and defensiveness are quick to come to the surface when we feel accused or wronged. Stop the emotional reaction so you can act more effectively. 

Drop - in humility. Is what's being said true? If so, address it internally. If not, why be upset?. Be humble enough and honest enough to communicate. 

Listen - really listen to what's being said. Acknowledge that the person feels that way even if you don't agree. Acknowledging a person's feelings or point of view goes a long way to disarming a volatile situation. 

These steps make the next step possible. Find solutions. When communication is on fire, "Stop. Drop. And Listen".

Saturday, August 24, 2024

rays of light

Rather than sending us a pillar of light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and then another, and another.
Brothers and sisters, I have not seen a pillar of light, but, like you, I have experienced many divine rays. Over the years, I’ve tried to treasure such experiences. I find that as I do, I recognize and remember even more of them.
Pillars and Rays  
By Elder Alexander Dushku
April 2024

I think that making notes in my gospel app has really helped me remember and buold on the rays of light I've received. I often check notes as I come across them again. So many times, a new layer of understanding comes to me. Some of my notes are several layers deep by now. I'm so grateful for that ongoing source of light.

Friday, August 23, 2024

serve or be served

By helping someone with something that she couldn’t do alone, we received blessings we weren’t able to obtain by ourselves.
Being Strengthened through Service  
By Nyle Randall
October 1981

I had the opportunity to send a short testimony of service in relief society to the media sisters in our mission today. I thought of the blessing of serving but also the blessing of being served. My grandmother always said being too proud to accept help denies others blessings. I’ve often felt small accepting help but never wanted to deny someone blessings. It's a beautiful balance. Sometimes we serve and sometimes we are served. Both sides are blessed every time. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

It is crucial that we turn to Him. Without God, the dark experiences of suffering and adversity tend to despondency, despair, and even bitterness.
D. Todd Christofferson
The Refining Fire of Affliction
Liahona, Mar. 2022

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Moroni didn’t write on his cloak because people didn’t know what they should be doing. They knew but were not living it. Knowing the principles means nothing if you don't apply it.
Alma 46:12–13
Alma 46:36

“President Boyd K. Packer has a question he often asks when we have made a presentation or given some sort of exhortation to one another in the Twelve. He looks up as if to say, “Are you through?” And then says to the speaker (and, by implication, to the rest of the group), “Therefore, what?” 
“Therefore, what?” I think that is what the Savior answered day in and day out as an inseparable element of His teaching and preaching. I’ve tried to suggest that. These sermons and exhortations were to no avail if the actual lives of His disciples did not change.”
Therefore, What?
Jeffrey R. Holland
August 2000