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Monday, September 30, 2024

helaman 12:26

Helaman 12:26
They that have done good shall have everlasting life; and they that have done evil shall have everlasting damnation.

These kinds of statements get different reactions from people. I think I even see it as positive or negative at different times. I might feel like I'm on the right path. Maybe, I feel judged. Perhaps, I feel concerned for my fellowman and want to lift anywhere I can.  

The range of emotions for and about myself and my standing as well as others is infinite. I think the Lord gives us these types of statements as opportunities to self evaluate. I didn't recognize them as such before. Hopefully, I'll take these chances to correct my course more often now.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

your Goliaths

There are Goliaths all around you, hulking giants with evil intent to destroy you. These are not nine-foot-tall men, but they are men and institutions that control attractive but evil things that may challenge and weaken and destroy you.
  But you need not fear if you have the slingshot of truth in your hands. You have been counseled and taught and advised. You have the stones of virtue and honor and integrity to use against these enemies who would like to conquer you. You can triumph over them by disciplining yourselves to avoid them. 
Victory will be yours. You are a child of God. You have His power within you to sustain you. You have the right to ministering angels about you to protect you. Do not let Goliath frighten you. Stand your ground and hold your place, and you will be triumphant.
Overpowering the Goliaths in Our Lives  
By President Gordon B. Hinckley
April 1983

Sunday, September 22, 2024

separating the nature from the man

Repenting is the key to progress. Pure faith keeps us moving forward on the covenant path. Please do not fear or delay repenting. Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short. Cast his influence out of your life! Start today to experience the joy of putting off the natural man.
The Power of Spiritual Momentum  
By President Russell M. Nelson

Pres Nelson cites Mosiah 3:19. "The natural man is an enemy to God" sounded slightly different somehow today. I always read it as the natural MAN. People in their fallen state. Today, the emphasis was on natural. "It's natural to....." is used to assure people that their feelings are normal. That's good to recognize in order to understand that the whole being isn't evil for feeling a certain way. Like " love the sinner, not the sin". I guess it just separated the "natural" tendencies from the man. They've always seemed like a package deal. Instead, it's more of a person holding a package instead. Repentance is the process of putting down boxes, not removing pieces of yourself.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

the measure of love

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

I've always focused on love casting out fear. Tonight, as I ponder the many posts from missionary moms trying to support their children while serving with prickly companions, I noticed the part about fear and torment. These aren't difference of opinions or clashing cultures posts. These are instances of outright disrespect, torment, and meanness.  

In Matt 22:37-39 Jesus commands us to love God and love others as ourselves. If I don't love myself, what is my measure for others?  

It seems to me that "he that feareth" torments. "He that feareth is not made perfect in love." He that fears has no confidence in God and Christ. Fear makes us act out against others. The cure is love. Love for God. Love for ourselves. With those in place, we can't help but love others.

Monday, September 2, 2024

necessary and worth it

Alma 57:25

I love the contrast in this verse. There's great hope because none were lost/perished. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be saved from spiritual death.

The second part if the sentence is a loving warning from the Lord, " yea, and neither was there one soul among them who had not received many wounds." I try to let people know if something is going to hurt. It could be ripping off a bandaid or a call to repentance. I try to be honest. It's going to hurt to some degree. It's still necessary and worth it. That's how this verse feels to me. It's Heavenly Father preparing us for the fight and the work but also the battle scars that inevitably come in life. It's all necessary and worth.