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Saturday, October 12, 2024

fences and guardrails

"Fill your life with positive, righteous ideas; be joyful; have fun but avoid foolishness. There is a difference."
Sacred Scriptures—the Foundations of Faith  
By Elder Quentin L. Cook
Oct 2024

Elder Cook warns against the many pitfalls in life and then encourages us to have fun. The Lord often reminds us theough prophets and scriptures that there is only freedom within the commandments and only captivity outside of them.
Doctrine & Covenants 98:4, 7–8
2 Nephi 2:27

The cartoonist Mike Waters captured this idea in a cartoon many years ago. One guy hates being confined by a fence so he jumps over it to escape. The other yells that it's not a fence, it's a guardrail. 


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