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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

back to abish

Back to Abish 

This faithful woman has just gone around town gathering people to what she saw as a miracle. This was the sight she hoped would bring others to believe in God. Alma 19:17

She returns to find these idiots citing myths and monsters instead of recognizing a miracle! Alma 19:26
Monsters, guys? Really? Maybe "wild man" or "possessed" is what is meant but still.  

Abish comes in and sees this rowdy bunch causing a ruckus. Alma 19:28
 I imagine she gave the Lamanite version of a face palm and a hard eye roll before trying to straighten it all out. 

She goes to wake the queen who rises a convert. The queen wakes the king and starts teaching. Alma 19:29-30

Overall, it was probably a really good day for Abish.  
Alma 19: 31-33
Not everyone listened or understood but she gained several fellow souls converted to the Lord that day. I love that for her. Her joy brings me joy.

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