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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

to hear or not to hear

Alma 19:31-32

Verse 31 sounds amazing! The king jumps up and shares the word of God. Everyone that hears it is converted.

Verse 32 *BUT* 
What? There's a but? Everyone believed. 
Yeah, no. Everyone whose heart was ready to recieve the teaching believed. There were those who physically heard it but were spiritually deaf. Those who chose not to hear or were not ready to hear just walked away.  

Don't worry. Those words are stored away somewhere inside. You never know what might happen.   

A friend told us about his conversion. He was seeking. He took the missionary lessons. He was still seeking. Nothing was filling the void. Many months later, questions were tumbling around and around in his head. A thought came to him. He had downloaded the book of mormon app on his phone. He was sure he'd deleted it, but no, it was still there. He began reading. You can guess where that lead.  

People get to chose. Sometimes, you're the one to plant the seed or nourish it. Sometimes, you're there for the harvest. Sometimes, a person choses to ignore the seed for a lifetime. Our part is to nourish our own garden and share the seeds as often as possible.

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