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Monday, July 22, 2024


Elder Uchtdorf references one of my favorite stories in the scriptures in his apeil 2024 talk, "A Higher Joy". The woman with an issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34 has always been so touching to me.  

"At last, her faith overcame her fear. 
She braved the censure of others and pressed toward the Savior. 
Finally, she was within reach. 
She extended her hand. 
And she was healed."
- Dieter F Uchtdorf 

She trusted. Her faith was immense.  

I have to believe that she was ready to accept the possibility of "but if not".  

Elder Uchtdorf continues, "Like this woman, I have learned that if we draw near to God and reach out to touch Him, we can indeed find healing, peace, and joy."

Even if physical healing doesn't come, spiritual healing, peace, and joy are always available. 

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