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Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Alma 37:14

I haven't been entrusted to keep track of metal plates, but I have been entrusted with a bounty of other things.  

I have thousands of years of scriptures from two continents ranging from the beginning of time to modern days.  

I have continuous and ongoing revelation from living prophets in my pocket.  

I have access to all types of media and platforms to both learn from and share that knowledge.

I have missionary opportunities at home, in my neighborhood, in my ward, with the local full-time and service missionaries, and in my online presence.  

I have been entrusted with a great deal. As I use those resources wisely, I am again blessed and receive gratefully of the Lord’s bounty.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

hope rope

Alma 36:18
The phrase "as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart" has always stuck out to me. It conjures a picture of alma whirling through a vortex of guilt and then catching a rope that's been extended from outside. Maybe I just watch a lot of sci-fi shows and they've affected the way I think. I love the picture of an ever present safe rope to pull yourself out.

Alma 36:21
The other phrase in this chapter that has always commanded my attention is this two part comparison: "nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains" and "nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy." There's an equality to it. No matter how low you are, there is a joy to match it. There is hope. There's always a rope to safety.  

Remember, there's always a hope rope.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

which one, which one...

"God’s plan of redemption constitutes a universal opportunity for all His children, whenever and wherever they may have lived on the earth. . . .

Note that the distinguishing characteristic for the inhabitants of each kingdom is how they relate to “the testimony of Jesus,” ranging from (1) wholehearted devotion to (2) not being valiant to (3) outright rejection. On each person’s reaction hangs his or her eternal future."
The Testimony of Jesus  
By Elder D. Todd Christofferson

I love the way he frames the plan of salvation as an opportunity. It is. It's open and free. You get to choose. We know the plan so there's no surprises. Eternity isn’t a mystery grab bag for us. That's why we share it. We want the choices to be transparent for everyone.

Friday, July 26, 2024

it all evens out

Alma 35:9 contains so much.  It's service and ministering, of course.  

It's also the difference between nice and kind.  Nice being just giving according to their desire instead of their need. (Wants in this verse would be better understood today as needs.)   They weren't made rich. They weren't given a daily stipend forever.  They were given what they needed in order to support themselves. 

It's also a great statement on equality.  Equality isn't everyone getting the same thing. You don't give the musician a shovel and wonder why he can't make a living. They received according to their talents/profession, family size, current possessions, etc.  

It had to require a lot of planning and personal consultation.  I imagine the relief society presidents, bishops, stake presidents, etc all doing their jobs.  Families must have made room for the refugees at first and been assigned as ministers.  Coordinators figured out who needed what and started matching people to resources.  

All of this went on until the Lamanites began their attack.   Then, the Ammonites became the refugees and left their land in the care of armies.  Some of those soldiers were the poor Zoramites who had been taken in.  Imagine their fierce defense of not only their homes and lands but the homes and lands of the community that sheltered them in their time of need.

"It all evens out."  My grandmother, mother, and I would always say that when one of us served the other.  We saw how one had when the other needed.  Later, the other would have when the one needed.  It all evened out.  That has become one of my life mottos.  Serve when you can.  Accept help graciously when it comes.  In the end, it all evens out.