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Sunday, June 30, 2024

the Lord's increase

I believe the Lord’s admonition to “be still” entails much more than simply not talking or not moving. Perhaps His intent is for us to remember and rely upon Him and His power “at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in.” Thus, “be still” may be a way of reminding us to focus upon the Savior unfailingly as the ultimate source of the spiritual stillness of the soul that strengthens us to do and overcome hard things.
“Be Still, and Know That I Am God”  
By Elder David A. Bednar
April 2024

Psalm 46:10
Mark 4:39

The miracle of the Lord putting divine words in my mouth is always a wonderful privilege. I often say the miracle is not in the Lord opening my mouth but in closing it. I have had that happen a few times.  

I have also been blessed with the stillness of soul in elder bednar's talk. Many times, in the midst of chaos, contention, or catastrophe, the Lord has wrapped His peace around me.  It was peace beyond my capabilities.  I had to simply take the first step and strive for calm. He did the rest.

God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability!
- It’s Service, Not Status, That Counts 
 By Elder Neal A. Maxwell
July 1975 Ensign 

Friday, June 28, 2024


Lev 20:7
Matt 6:22 / 3 nephi 13:22
All things unto me are spiritual” God “created … all things both spiritual and temporal” Doctrine & Covenants 29:31

This is who you and I really are and who you have always been: a son or daughter of God, with spiritual roots in eternity and a future overflowing with infinite possibilities. You are—first, foremost, and always—a spiritual being.
Giving Our Spirits Control over Our Bodies  
By President M. Russell Ballard

The class I was invited to lead on natural healing is tomorrow. I don’t feel ready. One thing that's still weighing on me is how am I sanctifying this? All things are spiritual so how am I dedicating this time to the Lord?

I'm not sure. I will pray before I teach. I will ask for guidance. Maybe the desure to strengthen my fellow sisters will open the door.

Doctrine & Covenants 108:7

Mortality is hard because the lines aren't clear. Physical life often seems very far removed from our spiritual lives. When I stop and realize I need to look up, things come back together. I'm hoping that will be enough.

Doctrine & Covenants 4:5

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

that you may know

*sent to my kids for their daily scripture dose*

I was thinking of an incident that happened back when I was driving a school bus today. I recorded it in my journal and will give you the shortened version here.

As I approached an intersection out in the middle of farm country, I felt the Spirit tell me to slow and then stop at least a bus length before the stop sign. There wasn't any traffic except a dump truck hauling sugar beets. I realized it was going much faster than the speed limit.  

He got to the intersection and surprisingly turned. He never slowed down and took the turn at high speed.  

The truck veered completely across my lane in order to make the turn. The driver had a terrified look on his face as he swerved the truck into his own lane a breath away from the nose of my parked bus. Any impact would have been disastrous. Had I been at the stop sign instead of 30 plus feet away, it would have been deadly.

Throughout the whole thing, I was surrounded by a peaceful calm.

 I tell you so that you may know that "the Lord is able to deliver (you), even as (your mother)." 
1 Nephi 4:3, Alma 36:2.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

He once was

I found myself himming this song today. My teenager started humming it too. The power of music is amazing.

 It's always been a song that pulled at me. Maybe it's the opposition and completeness of Jesus the man becoming Jesus the Christ portrayed so simply.

It's been my earworm today and I thought it was a hood one to pass on.

Once forsaken, left alone, 
Now exalted to a throne. 
Once all things he meekly bore, 
But he now will bear no more.
But he now will bear no more.

196 Jesus, Once of Humble Birth

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

temple transformers

As we change our preparation to enter the temple, we will change our experience in the temple, which will transform our lives outside of the temple.
Covenant Confidence through Jesus Christ  
By Elder Ulisses Soares

I had my temple recommend interview with the stake counselor this week. I like some of the additions to the interview. This explanation is one of them, “The garment of the holy priesthood reminds us of the veil in the temple, and that veil is symbolic of Jesus Christ. When you put on your garment, you put on a sacred symbol of Jesus Christ. Wearing it is an outward expression of your inner commitment to follow Him."

When I'm able to go to the temple, I try to visualize and internalize the connection between veil and garment. This has been so important to me during times when I couldn't go to the temple very often. Each time I put on my garments, I visualize the veil, the connections, and the covenants I've made. It's deepened my love for the Lord. It's helped me to keep Christ forward in my mind in this hectic world. It's a few moments but it's sacred and sanctfied moments. We all need those as often as possible, I think.

to hear or not to hear

Alma 19:31-32

Verse 31 sounds amazing! The king jumps up and shares the word of God. Everyone that hears it is converted.

Verse 32 *BUT* 
What? There's a but? Everyone believed. 
Yeah, no. Everyone whose heart was ready to recieve the teaching believed. There were those who physically heard it but were spiritually deaf. Those who chose not to hear or were not ready to hear just walked away.  

Don't worry. Those words are stored away somewhere inside. You never know what might happen.   

A friend told us about his conversion. He was seeking. He took the missionary lessons. He was still seeking. Nothing was filling the void. Many months later, questions were tumbling around and around in his head. A thought came to him. He had downloaded the book of mormon app on his phone. He was sure he'd deleted it, but no, it was still there. He began reading. You can guess where that lead.  

People get to chose. Sometimes, you're the one to plant the seed or nourish it. Sometimes, you're there for the harvest. Sometimes, a person choses to ignore the seed for a lifetime. Our part is to nourish our own garden and share the seeds as often as possible.

back to abish

Back to Abish 

This faithful woman has just gone around town gathering people to what she saw as a miracle. This was the sight she hoped would bring others to believe in God. Alma 19:17

She returns to find these idiots citing myths and monsters instead of recognizing a miracle! Alma 19:26
Monsters, guys? Really? Maybe "wild man" or "possessed" is what is meant but still.  

Abish comes in and sees this rowdy bunch causing a ruckus. Alma 19:28
 I imagine she gave the Lamanite version of a face palm and a hard eye roll before trying to straighten it all out. 

She goes to wake the queen who rises a convert. The queen wakes the king and starts teaching. Alma 19:29-30

Overall, it was probably a really good day for Abish.  
Alma 19: 31-33
Not everyone listened or understood but she gained several fellow souls converted to the Lord that day. I love that for her. Her joy brings me joy.

Friday, June 14, 2024

gathering light

Spencer W. Kimball warned, “Always expecting the spectacular, many will miss entirely the constant flow of revealed communication.”
I have not seen a pillar of light, but, like you, I have experienced many divine rays.
Pillars and Rays  
By Elder Alexander Dushku

Thursday, June 13, 2024

the clean shirt

In the New Testament we read, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” With our baptism we symbolically put on Christ.
Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ  
By Sister J. Anette Dennis

Galatians 3:27

This reminded me an object lesson a missionary did for us years ago. Elder Minert was teaching about baptism. To keep it short, baptism and repentance are taking off a dirty shirt and putting on the clean shirt. We put on the clean life of Christ. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

self contentment or self improvement

Even when free of major transgression, we can develop self-contentment instead of seeking self-improvement.
By Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Oct 1991

Alma 10:4-6

I love Amulek's humility and honesty in these chapters. I can only try to be so humble and honest with myself.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Alma 19:16-17

I love Abish. We don’t know if she had a vision of her father or her father had a vision that he shared with his family. Either way, she remained faithful in the midst of a religious waste land. We have no idea how many Christians hid among the Lamanites. We see her take the missionary opportunity to call others to come be part of the miracle that's happening in the king's house. In this act, she reveals her faith to the world. I love her so much.  

Sunday, June 9, 2024

2 for 1 scripture

Alma 8:18

This is a great scripture that has two principles that get less attention than others.  

1. Alma returned speedily.  
It wasn’t a fun assignment because they had just kicked him out. He didn’t balk or complain. He just got to work.

2. He entered by another way.
Just because he had to keep trying didn’t mean he should go about it the same way. There's a difference between being persistent and stubborn. Sometimes what we learn from failure is to change tactics.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

the stalwart queen

Alma 19:5

Ammon, would you come take a look at my husband, please? Everyone is saying he stinks. We've been married long enough that I know he's not really dead. That's just how he smells. 😆

But seriously, I love her faith, loyalty, and fierce protection of her family. She's proactive. She us such an amazing example of faith and strength in the book of mormon. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

just wow

Alma 7:11-12
I love these scriptures and all of the references to how much the atonement covers. Christ truly understands us from our point of view. We try to have empathy with people, especially those we care about. Some people are harder to try and understand than others. Jesus didn't just empathize. He literally put Himself in each person's shoes. He lived both sides of every situation. The atonement was a mental, emotional, and spiritual sacrifice as well as a physical one.  

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me....

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Black and white

Alma 5:40

It might seem an oversimplification but it is the word of theLord. 

"So we have a choice. We can either choose Heavenly Father’s plan, or we can follow Satan. It’s as simple as that. Now, the scriptures tell us that everything good comes from Heavenly Father and that following Satan brings misery and unhappiness. (See 2 Ne. 2:27; Alma 5:40.) This is important for us to know."
I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me  
By Michaelene P. Grassli
October 1988

It's something I've reflected on and trusted many times. It buolds my faith to see God's hand in the lives of people around the world, even if they don’t recognize it themselves. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

the Dr Prophet

My daily scripture reading was alma 5:13-29. Most of this chapter is just questions to ask yourself. It's a spiritual check up. No paper gowns, appointments, or payment required. Help us stay spiritually healthy, Dr. Prophet Alma.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

desire to believe

We need to believe in angels and miracles and the promises of the holy priesthood. We need to believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost, the influence of good families and friends, and the power of the pure love of Christ. We need to believe in revelation and prophets, seers, and revelators and President Russell M. Nelson. We need to believe that with prayer and pleading and personal righteousness, we really can ascend to “Mount Zion, … the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all.”
Motions of a Hidden Fire  
By President Jeffrey R. Holland
Doctrine and Covenants 76:66

Sometimes all you can do is believe. Believing is enough.
Matthew 17:20
Alma 32:27-28